Exchange Club of Albany Delivers Meals to Phoebe Putney
Although the Exchange Club of Albany has not been able to meet in recent weeks and had to postpone two of their Major Fund raisers they still wanted to show their support for Albany and the surrounding Community by delivering 200 meals to the Phoebe Putney Employees on Thursday, April 23rd. The Exchange Club catered the meals though Grapevine Catering and they were delivered by Exchangites Eli Gervero, Ann Owen, her daughter, Allie, and Ray Hinman.

The Exchange Club has very strong ties with the SW Georgia area and supports approximately 26 Charitable Organizations or programs. They also sponsor the Exchange Club Fair of SW Georgia as one of their major Fund Raisers and anticipate when it starts October 26th it will their biggest ever. Other Fund Raisers the Exchange Club does to support various organizations are Deputy Dawg Golf Classic, Boston Butt Sale, Cornhole Tournament, Pecan Sales, and more.

We are proud of Dougherty County, Lee County and the surrounding area for the many services donated by various churches, other civic organizations and many individuals.
SW Georgia Strong
Phoebe Putney Strong
Exchange Strong