It was all about the new school year for the Exchange Club of Blackshear as they welcomed a new Superintendent Dr. Kevin Smith, and honored system Teachers of the Year. Dr. Smith, the new Pierce County Superintendent, has been in education for 37 years serving many roles from teacher, coach, principle and superintendent. He stated, “The core of any organization is the people.” He believes a positive, personal, productive environment creates exceptional performance. The teachers of the year were introduced by their principles. They each had heart felt words of appreciation for the teachers dedication, hard work, integrity, character and true love for their jobs and the children they tirelessly teach and mentor.
Pictured: Standing, Club President, Steven Jackson. From left to right principles standing and teachers of the year seated: Pierce County High School Principle, Dara Bennett and Teacher of the Year, John DuPont.Pierce County Elementary School Principle, Tonya Johnson and Teacher of the Year, Debra Sue Smith Pierce County Midway Elementary School Principle, Walker Todd and Teacher of the Year, Michelle Graham. Patterson Elementary Principle, Teresa Dixon and Teacher of the Year, Jill Dowling. Pierce County Middle School Principle, Perry Tison and Teacher of the Year, Corey Lesseig Also, standing, middle back, Dr. Kevin Smith and far right, Renee Choate, President Elect.